Welcome to holistic healing

Step into a journey of self-discovery and wellness with Simply Jenn Rodriguez. Our intuitive healing and wellness coaching are designed to uplift your spirit and guide you towards a more balanced life. Let us help you thrive, starting from the comfort of your home.

Welcome to our Scheduling Policies

Get ready for a harmonious Pre-appointment experience

Embrace the journey of what is required of you, as we guide you prior to your appointment arrival, providing gentle reminders like coming in with no makeup, or arriving at your appointment mindfully 15 minutes early.

Your peace of mind with our Cancellation policies

Rest assured, Acuity Scheduling is here to assist in keeping the flow smooth. Establish a cancellation policy, and extend the grace of agreement to your serene clients when they book.

Your pathway to abundance with our Payment policies

Discover essential details like the gentle flow of deposit information, the sacred web of fees surrounding no-shows, gentle cancelations or late arrivals, or the array of accepted payment methods that resonate with your heart.